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Man in full PPE conducting a risk assessment in an industrial boiler house

Boiler House Risk Assessment Training

Looking after the safety of your team and equipment

Did you know having an up-to-date risk assessment of your boiler house is a legal requirement under the Management Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

Your risk assessment will also need to be reviewed if you have a change in circumstances, such as new staff members, changes in steam demand or have a hire boiler installed.

Our Risk assessment training will give you the knowledge and understanding required to take ownership of your boiler house risk assessment.

This course runs over two days

  • Day 1 - Introduction to Risk Assessment and assessment approaches specific to boiler houses.
  • Day 2 - Consultancy/workshop on your current risk assessment.

Once completed you will leave with a completed risk assessment document based on your individual site requirements.

We teach you how to use the information you have learned to make your site a safe and productive working environment.

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