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Green fields and blue sky in the Yorkshire countryside

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Byworth, we are committed to our role in creating environmental and societal opportunities, whilst overcoming the challenges and obstacles that the world faces.

Developing the next generation of engineers through our apprenticeship scheme.

Contributing to society strengthens our business, and one way we have implemented a corporate social responsibility strategy is through our apprenticeship scheme.

Byworth have been promoting and implementing apprenticeships for the last two decades. Helping our apprentices develop and hone their skills not only prepares them for the working world but gives them the confidence that their knowledge will help them progress in a forward-thinking organisation.

We find that candidates that come through an apprenticeship route are better skilled and better engineers in the long run. 

Headshot of a man wearing glasses with a blue and orange background

“Our philosophy is that it’s all about apprentices. We champion apprentices, we champion innovators, and we champion makers. It is something that is key to us.”

 Gavin Hindle – Commercial Director

Technology, digitalisation, and the Future

We look forward to the future and what the next 50 years have in store for Byworth.

Our customers are trying to reduce their carbon footprint by reducing fuel consumption and controlling their boilers in a safer, more controlled way and we are working hard to help them achieve that.

Close up of a screen with a Unity logo and venn diagram over the top

Unity has a proven track record of reducing fuel consumption and improving boiler house efficiency.

One Scottish distillery recorded a 12% fuel saving in their first year. 6% of that fuel saving was calculated to be from the new boiler design and the other 6% is down to the control in the boiler house from using the Unity system.

This proves the value of digitalisation of control systems in the industry.

Although we will still have our heavy roots in engineering, our future investments will involve a great deal of R&D and a significant investment into technology and Unity. This is the best way to ensure we can continue to offer our customers the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce our own in the process.

Retaining skill within the town

With an ongoing relationship with Keighley College, one of the best welding and fabrication colleges in the North of England, we can offer the young people of the local area the opportunity to learn, study and work without leaving the town.

Yorkshire countryside hill and blue sky