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Man stood in front of a screen giving a presentation on steam

Steam Introduction

Providing you with a valuable insight into the world of steam

Our steam boiler training course is an informative and invaluable one day course, open to individual companies.

Perfect for those who want to increase employee awareness when working with, or around, steam systems and equipment.

Covering everything from the fundamentals of steam to the components used in steam systems and the steam/condensate cycle. The practical applications of safe and efficient boiler operation are also addressed within this one day course.

This course is intended for those with very little or no experience with steam and steam systems. It is designed to give independent advice not just to gain knowledge on the how, what and why of steam but to allow you to fully understand what may be the best option if you are at the early stages of looking into a steam system. The course covers the following topics:

  • Water V steam
  • Why steam?
  • What are the properties of steam
  • The types of boilers including Pro’s and Con’s
  • The equipment found in a typical boiler house
  • Water treatment

Contact us for prices, dates, and availability on our steam boiler courses.

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